Club 1872 are delighted to announce that the Oceania Rangers Supporters Association (ORSA), already life members of Club 1872, have made a very generous donation of £850 towards our next share issue campaign and set up an annual donation.
The ORSA committee said;
“ORSA are proud to show our continued support for fan ownership through Club 1872.
We are as committed as ever, via Club 1872, to ensure the dark days of recent years are never repeated for any future generation of Rangers fan to endure.
We believe Rangers are on the right track via the current stewardship of the club, however the journey is long and nothing should be taken for granted. Club 1872 will provide that security once the target of 25%+1 fan ownership is met. Until that point we encourage all Rangers fans, not just in ORSA, but across the globe to get involved if they can.
Although we may be far from the south side of Glasgow, our love and commitment to the club will never waver.
We Are The People.”
Laura Fawkes, Club 1872 Director commented:
“We would like to thank ORSA for their ongoing support of Club 1872. As life members they have already made a wonderful commitment to Club 1872 and we are very grateful for this latest, generous donation. Our membership, like the Rangers fan base, is truly global and we firmly believe that for overseas supporters, Club 1872 represents the most effective way to financially support Rangers through our share issue fund raising.
In addition to ORSA, many of their individual member clubs have also become members of Club 1872. We are very pleased to have the support of so many RSCs, both home and abroad, and we look forward to more joining in the future.”
If your RSC are considering joining Club 1872 or would like more information about our aims and work, then please contact us at with any questions.
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