A breakdown of the results can be seen below:
The total number of votes cast in the poll was 871.
Question/Resolution 1 – To approve the Company’s audited Financial Statements, the Director’s Report, Strategic Report for the financial year ended 16th June 2016, Auditor’s Report to be received and adopted.
Members voted to support this Resolution by 99% (with 1% abstaining).
Question/Resolution 2 – To reappoint Douglas Park as a Director of the Company.
Members voted to support this Resolution by 99% (with 1% abstaining)
Question/Resolution 3 – To reappoint John Bennett as a Director of the Company
Members voted to support this Resolution by 99.07% (with 0.35% voting No, and 0.58% abstaining).
Question/Resolution 4 – To reappoint John Gilligan as a Director of the Company.
Members voted to support this Resolution by 98% (with 1.15% voting No, and 0.35% abstaining).
Question/Resolution 5 – To reappoint Dave King as a Director of the Company.
Members voted to support this Resolution by 97.8% (with 1.62% voting No, and 0.58 abstaining).
Question/Resolution 6 – To reappoint Paul Murray as a Director of the Company.
Members voted to support this Resolution by 96.66% (with 2.42% voting No, and 0.92% abstaining).
Question/Resolution 7 – To reappoint Graeme Park as a Director of the Company.
Members voted to support this Resolution by 99% (with 1% abstaining).
Question/Resolution 8 – To reappoint Campbell Dallas LLP as the Auditors of the Company to hold office until the conclusion of the next AGM.
Members voted to support this Resolution by 99% (with 1% abstaining)
Question/Resolution 9 – To approve that the Company enumerates its Auditors.
Members voted to support this Resolution by 98.39% (with 0.35% voting No, and 1.26% abstaining).
Question/Resolution 10 – To authorise the Directors to allot relevant securities on the basis set out in the Notice.
Members voted to support this Resolution by 97.35% (with 1.5% voting No, and 1.15% abstaining).
Question/Resolution 11 – To authorise the Directors to dis-apply pre-emption rights in respect of relevant securities allotted pursuant to Resolution 10 on the basis set out in the Notice.
Members voted to support this Resolution by 95.5% (with 2.08% voting No, and 2.42% abstaining).
Club 1872 will now vote our shares and any shares proxied to us in accordance with the results set out above. We wish to thank the members who took part in the poll, and the wider membership for their continued support and contributions.
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